Guestlogix's offerings are made available by implementing native iOS and Android SDKs. For class-level developer documentation see Android Reference, and iOS Reference.

NOTE: A pre-requisite to interacting with the Mobile SDK on iOS or Android is that you are a Guestlogix Partner and have obtained a Sandbox or Production API key. Please contact your Customer Success Manager, or [email protected] if you have questions regarding this.

Supported Platform versions

iOS 12.1+
Android minSdkVersion 16 (Jelly Bean - 4.1) targetSdkVersion 28 (Pie - 9)

The Traveler mobile SDKs come in three tiers, to allow maximum customization.

Core (TravelerKit)

This layer is the main API layer that is used to fetch catalogs, item details, all the way to placing an order and making a booking.

The core layer uses a facade object serving as a front-facing interface masking a more complex underlying codebase. This makes it easy and consistent to integrate on multiple platforms.

UI (TravelerKitUI)

This layer will contain helpful UI components as well as entire flows for your convenience and ease of integration. We highly recommend using as much of these flows and UI elements as possible for the best user experience.

Stripe Payment Provider

In order to facilitate collection of payments, we currently only support Stripe, and as such have bundled all our Stripe integration components into one SDK to alleviate the developer from having to go through that process. 


Installation of the Guestlogix SDK into your native app is quite easy on both iOS and Android platforms.

iOS Install with Carthage:

1. Add the following to your Cartfile and run the 'carthage update' command from the terminal

github "Guestlogix/traveler-ios" "master"

Android Install:

1. Add the following to the gradle dependencies section of your 'build.gradle' file and sync:

implementation "com.guestlogix.traveler:traveler_core"
implementation "com.guestlogix.traveler:traveler_ui"
implementation "com.guestlogix.traveler:traveler_stripe_payment_provider"

2. Also include the following repository reference:

repositories {
    maven {
        url ''

Next Steps